What would you say you invest more of your time and energy into – your skin or hair health? When life gets busy, it’s easy to assume that many of us are more likely to simply skip a hair wash for a couple of days but still remain reasonably consistent with our skincare routine. And yes, this is largely due to the amount of effort and time required to wash, blow dry and style our hair (we all know what it’s like to not have the motivation or energy to wash our hair). But let’s talk about why we must be treating our scalp and hair health like we do our skin and skincare routine. As we all know, unless we take care of our skin now, our skin health can decline rapidly as we age, and this is exactly the same for our scalp and hair. If we don’t invest in our hair health now, we will experience the consequences in the future. So, let’s jump into our healthy hair tips and why you need to be treating your hair as if it were your skin.
Healthy hair starts with regular washes
Within the world of skincare, we all know and understand the importance of washing and cleansing our faces daily, if not twice a day, to clean and treat our skin, and remove excess oil and make up. Ensuring our faces are make up free before going to sleep every night is an essential part in stopping your pores from being clogged and also allowing your skin to breathe, as well be repaired and nourished by the skincare products we apply after cleansing.
So, if we understand all of this about our skin, why do so many of us skip hair washes, use extra dry shampoo and allow dirt, oil and hair products to build up on our scalp and hair? Now, of course we’re not saying you need to wash your hair every day like we do with our skin, but we need to ensure our scalps remain as clean as possible to avoid that build up from forming and clogging our pores, interfering with our scalp’s natural sebum (oil) flow and, potentially, limiting new hair growth. Allowing our scalp’s sebum to flow naturally and freely with all-natural haircare products is vital to achieving and maintaining good hair health in the short and long term. Although it is often easier to use dry shampoo to absorb your excess oil and give you that oil-free feeling, consistent use of these types of products should not be part of your healthy haircare routine. When you commit to washing your hair regularly, as well eliminating products like dry shampoo, with time, you will find your scalp’s oil will regulate. This doesn’t mean your hair will be completely oil free, but it does allow you to experience a healthier scalp and ultimately healthier hair.
While we’re talking about our hair washing routines and the importance of washing regularly, it is vital to discuss the fact that shampoos formulated with sulphates and other harsh chemicals can dry out your hair. This is why we always recommend you invest in an all-natural, sulphate free shampoo, just like our Sozo Hair Health Shampoo. Our Australian made shampoo contains sulphate free surfactants to clean your scalp and hair effectively while not stripping or drying out your hair.
Not only is removing the product build up from our scalp and hair a vital part in maintaining good hair health, but it will also make styling your hair easier! Just think of it like this, imagine if we applied layer after layer of make up to our faces day after day, without cleansing. The texture of our skin and make up would quickly look cakey and unhealthy. Plus, you might experience some flaking and irritations, making it extremely difficult to keep your skin looking and feeling healthy. We can apply this same principle to our hair health. When we apply dry shampoo and styling products day after day to our scalp and hair without removing the build up of oil and haircare products, our hair is going to be very limp, unhealthy looking and difficult to style because it will be weighed down and lacking in the moisture and nourishment it needs to thrive.
Hair health results take time
If you have created a specific skincare routine that you aim to follow consistently, you would also understand that changes and improvements in our skin don’t occur overnight or by simply applying skincare to our face once. To see positive skin results, we need to use skincare every day for an extended period of time. So why do we wash our hair inconsistently, exposure our hair to heat and environmental damage and expect infrequent applications of products like a natural hair mask to solve all our scalp and hair problems?
Our long term hair health is a direct reflection of how we treat our scalp and hair in the present day. This means, just like we care for our skin now to slow the effects of ageing in the future, you need to ensure you’re investing in high quality, all-natural haircare products that are going to give you healthy, hydrated, repaired, protected, shiny and voluminous hair that is easy to style now and for many years to come. Otherwise, with all that our scalp and hair are exposed to throughout our lives, our hair can become very thin, unhealthy, dry and limp as we age.
It’s normal to experience changes in your hair health
Finally, we also need to acknowledge and accept that changes in our hair health are entirely normal and to be expected. It can be easy to believe that we won’t experience any hair concerns when we’ve invested in high quality, natural haircare products. However, just like we can still experience breakouts, acne, redness, wrinkles and any other skin condition, even when using the best skincare products, changes in our hair health are normal. Natural haircare products are formulated to help you manage and treat the side effects of factors like hormone changes, stress, and environmental damage, but they can’t be expected to entirely solve or eliminate a problem out of our control, just like a health condition. Remember, skincare can’t stop you from ageing because it’s a natural part of life, but it can help you reduce the effects of ageing on our skin, which is the same principle for haircare.
Managing our hair health can be a difficult task, especially when life is busy and we have more important things to consider! But by following a simple yet effective natural haircare routine consistently and remembering to treat your hair just like you do your skin, you can achieve and maintain healthy hair now and into the future. Because haircare really is skincare for your scalp and hair.
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